Oracle & Tarot Card Readings

Are you seeking clarity on your career path, longing for deeper connections or insight into your love life and relationships, or perhaps yearning to explore new opportunities on the horizon?

Allow Raven to guide you through the unseen realms of life's possibilities and illuminate the shadows to empower you on your path. Delve into the realms of romance, explore the pathways of new opportunities, and uncover the hidden truths and treasures of your soul's journey. What questions weigh on your mind? What dreams stir in your heart? Let your personal reading be your compass and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Your destiny awaits—are you ready to uncover its secrets?

What is a Tarot or Oracle Card Reading?

A Tarot or Oracle card reading is a form of divination or spiritual practice in which a reader uses a deck of Tarot or Oracle cards to gain insights, guidance, or information about a person's current circumstances, questions, or life path.

What is the difference between Tarot and Oracle Cards?

Tarot and Oracle Cards both consist of a deck of cards, each featuring unique images and symbols that are meant to convey different meanings or messages. While they share some similarities, there are also distinct differences between Tarot and Oracle cards.

  • Tarot Cards: Tarot cards are a specific type of divination tool with a structured set of cards, usually comprising 78 cards. These cards are divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

  • Major Arcana: This set consists of 22 cards that depict significant life themes, archetypal energies, and important life experiences. Each card carries a distinct symbolic meaning and can provide insights into deeper aspects of one's journey.

  • Minor Arcana: The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, similar to a regular deck of playing cards, divided into four suits—usually cups, wands, swords, and pentacles or coins. These cards address more practical and day-to-day aspects of life, including emotions, actions, thoughts, and material matters.

  • Oracle Cards: Oracle cards are a broader category of divination tools that encompass a wide range of card decks, each with its own theme, artwork, and messages. Unlike Tarot cards, which follow a relatively consistent structure across decks, Oracle cards can vary greatly in terms of design and symbolism.

Oracle cards may have varying numbers of cards in a deck, and each card typically features a single word, phrase, or short message along with an image. These messages are often intended to offer guidance, inspiration, and personal insights. Oracle card decks can be based on a specific theme such as angels, animals, nature, affirmations, chakras, and more.

The interpretation of Oracle cards relies on intuition and personal connection with the imagery and messages. Oracle card readings can help individuals gain clarity, reflect on their emotions, and connect with their inner wisdom.

In both Tarot and Oracle readings, the practitioner or reader draws cards and interprets their meanings based on their own understanding of the symbols, their intuition, and their familiarity with the deck. It's important to note that these tools are often used for self-reflection, personal growth, and guidance.

You can use Tarot and Oracle Card Readings to gain insights and guidance on a wide range of life challenges and questions. Whether you're navigating career choices, improving relationships, or seeking personal growth, Tarot/Oracle Readings offers guidance tailored to you.

Raven’s readings empower you to embrace your path and move forward with confidence & clarity.

Raven and her cards are not for the faint of heart. These readings will challenge your thoughts, stir your emotions, and inspire your aspirations and actions. As Raven takes you on a captivating journey to the depths of your heart and the edges of your soul, bring your journal and prepare to face any challenges and rivals that could be holding you back; discover and embrace any strengths and allies that will support you and your cause; be inspired and empowered to navigate opportunities, make informed decisions, and take aligned actions that will set you free and move you forward in building a life beyond your dreams.

Here's what you can expect from your reading from Raven:

  1. Setting the Intention: Together, you will begin by setting a clear intention for the reading. You may have a specific question, situation, or area of life you want guidance on. This intention helps focus the energy of the cards and the reading on a particular aspect.

  2. Shuffling and Drawing Cards: Raven will shuffle the cards while focusing on your question or intention. Once the cards feel sufficiently shuffled, Raven will draw a specific number of cards from the deck and place them in a distinct arrangement depending on the purpose of the particular reading.

  3. Interpreting the Cards: Raven will then interpret the meanings of the cards drawn. This interpretation involves understanding the symbolism, imagery, and messages present on each card, both individually and in relation to each other, and the positions they hold within the chosen spread. Raven’s intuition, knowledge of the cards, and personal understanding of your situation come into play during this phase.

  4. Providing Insights: Raven will provide insights, advice, and perspectives to you based on the interpretation of the cards. The cards may address a question, offer guidance on possible courses of action, and highlight potential outcomes.

  5. Open Dialogue: During the reading, you can ask questions, seek clarifications, or provide feedback during the reading. Raven encourages open dialogue, and this interaction can help refine the reading and make it more relevant to your concerns or questions. You are welcome to keep your thoughts to yourself; however, your messages, experience, and benefits may be limited.

  6. Empowerment and Reflection: The ultimate goal of a Tarot or Oracle card reading is to empower you by providing you with insights that help you make informed decisions, gain self-awareness, and consider different perspectives. You may be encouraged to reflect on the messages received and how they resonate with your current circumstances. It is profoundly beneficial to bring a journal along and record your experience and insights as the reading unfolds and any resulting reflections.

It's important to note that Tarot and Oracle card readings are not fortune-telling or predictive in nature. Instead, they are tools for self-reflection, personal growth, and gaining perspective and a deeper understanding of one's emotions, challenges, and potential paths and opportunities. The effectiveness of a reading depends on your openness and receptivity to the meaningful connection between the cards' messages and your circumstances. It is an energetic exchange between yourself, the cards, and your reader. You get back what you put out, and it is up to you how deep you want to go and how much you want to receive from your reading.

What are the benefits of Tarot or Oracle Card Readings?

Tarot and Oracle card readings can offer a variety of benefits to individuals who seek guidance, self-reflection, and insight into their lives. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Self-Reflection: Tarot and Oracle card readings encourage individuals to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and life circumstances. The symbolism and messages in the cards can serve as mirrors that help people gain deeper insight into their own emotions, motivations, and challenges.

  • Personal Insight: Readings can provide individuals with fresh perspectives on their situations. The cards may reveal aspects of a situation that were previously overlooked, leading to a better understanding of the complexities at play.

  • Clarity: Tarot and Oracle readings can offer clarity when facing difficult decisions or unclear situations. They can help individuals see the pros and cons of various choices and shed light on potential outcomes.

  • Validation: Sometimes, people seek validation for their feelings or intuitions. A reading can confirm or validate what an individual already senses deep down, providing a sense of reassurance and affirmation.

  • Problem-Solving: Tarot and Oracle cards can offer creative solutions or alternative problem-solving approaches. By presenting different angles, they help individuals brainstorm ways to navigate challenges.

  • Empowerment: The insights gained from a reading empower individuals to make informed decisions and take ownership of their lives. Readings can provide a sense of control over one's path by offering guidance and potential courses of action.

  • Personal Growth: Engaging with Tarot and Oracle cards promotes personal growth and self-awareness. By confronting emotions and examining different aspects of life, individuals can better understand themselves and their journey.

  • Stress Relief: The act of seeking guidance through a reading can be calming and stress-relieving. It provides a focused time for introspection and contemplation, allowing individuals to momentarily step away from the pressures of daily life.

  • Inspiration: The imagery and messages on the cards can inspire individuals to see things from new angles, sparking creativity and fresh ideas.

  • Spiritual Connection: For those with a spiritual inclination, Tarot and Oracle readings can facilitate a deeper connection with their intuition, higher self, or spiritual guides.

  • Decision-Making: Readings can be particularly useful when making important life decisions. They offer insights into the potential outcomes of different choices, helping individuals make more informed and thoughtful decisions.

  • Exploration of Possibilities: Tarot and Oracle cards encourage individuals to explore different paths and possibilities. They remind people that there are multiple ways to approach a situation and that they have agency in shaping their own journey.

It's important to approach Tarot and Oracle readings with an open mind and a willingness to engage in introspection. The benefits derived from these readings are dependent on the individual seeker’s ability to be open and receiving. Ultimately, the value of a reading lies in the insights and growth it can bring to an individual's life journey.

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Anyone can learn to read Tarot or Oracle cards with practice and study. While some natural intuition or psychic ability can help, anyone willing to invest time and effort can develop the skills of interpretation, symbolism, connection, and even their own psychic abilities.

  • You can certainly do your own Tarot/Oracle readings with practice and study, although it may be similar to giving yourself a massage or cutting your own hair. Many people find personal readings valuable for self-reflection and insight. However, consulting a professional reader can offer a different perspective and more advanced interpretations, especially if you're new to readings. Professional readers bring experience and expertise, providing deeper insights. It is ultimately your choice what is best for you.

    I myself rather enjoy receiving readings from other readers, mystics, or psychics from time to time. Sometimes, others can see things we can’t because we are too close to the situation. Sometimes, we just need another’s perspective to gain the clarity we need.

  • Tarot and Oracle card readings are not fortune-telling or predictive in nature. Instead, they are tools for self-reflection, personal growth, and gaining perspective and a deeper understanding of one's emotions, challenges, and potential paths and opportunities.

  • Preparing for a Tarot/Oracle reading can enhance the experience but is not required.

    If you prefer to feel more prepared, here are some things you can do:

    Set Intentions: Clarify why you're seeking a reading. Focus your thoughts on specific questions or areas of your life.

    Create a Calm Environment: Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be interrupted.

    Open Mind: Approach with an open and receptive mindset. Allow for insights beyond your immediate expectations.

    Clear Energy: Some like to meditate or visualize clearing any negative energy before the reading.

    Formulate Questions: If you have questions, frame them clearly. If you are seeking a general reading, keep your mind open.

    Journal: Bringing a journal can help you capture the reading's essence and any subsequent insights. Note the date, questions, cards drawn, and your initial thoughts and feelings on interpretations. It's a valuable tool for tracking patterns, progress, insights, and personal growth over time.

    Relaxation: Take a few deep breaths before you start to center yourself.

    Focus: Be present and engaged during the reading. Concentrate on the imagery and feelings the cards evoke.

    Trust Your Intuition: Consider how the interpretations resonate with you. Trust your instincts.

    Reflect: Set aside some time after the reading to reflect on the messages and how they apply to your life. Remember to journal!

  • When asking questions for a Tarot/Oracle reading, focus on areas where you seek clarity, insight, or guidance. Consider open-ended questions that encourage meaningful exploration. For example:

    "What insights can you offer regarding my current life path?"

    "What can I do to enhance my personal relationships?"

    "What guidance can you provide for my career choices?"

    "What steps can I take to overcome my current challenges?"

    "What can I learn from my past experiences to help me move forward?"

    "How can I best achieve my personal and spiritual growth?"

    "What messages do I need to hear most right now?"

    Frame questions positively, seeking insight rather than fortune-telling. Avoid yes/no questions; ask for insights that empower decision-making and self-awareness.

  • Yes, you can ask about specific events, situations, or people in a Tarot/Oracle reading. However, it's important to approach these types of questions with a clear and pure intention and ethical consideration. Keep in mind:

    Privacy and Consent: If asking about another person, respect their privacy and obtain their consent if possible. Avoid invasive questions that infringe on someone's personal boundaries.

    Personal Growth: Instead of focusing solely on external events or people, consider asking how you can navigate a situation, what you can learn from it, or how you can contribute positively.

    Empowerment: Frame questions in a way that empowers you to take control of your choices and actions, rather than seeking definitive predictions about others' actions, thoughts, or feelings.

    Personal Responsibility: Remember that readings offer guidance, not absolute predictions. Outcomes can be influenced by your choices and actions and the free will of others.

    Example: Instead of asking, "Will my ex-partner come back to me?" you could ask, "What can I do to heal and move forward after my breakup?" This approach focuses on your growth and well-being.

    Ultimately, while specific questions are acceptable, it's essential to approach readings with respect, ethical considerations, and a focus on personal growth and empowerment.

  • No, belief in spirituality or divination is not a requirement for Tarot/Oracle readings to offer insights. While some readers and seekers find spiritual or metaphysical connections in the practice, others approach it as a tool for self-reflection and guidance, regardless of their beliefs. The effectiveness of readings can be attributed to the reader's interpretation, symbolism, and insights, which can resonate with various perspectives and belief systems.

  • That's completely okay. Tarot/Oracle readings can also be seen as tools for self-reflection and gaining insights into your thoughts and emotions. If you're open to exploring your own inner world and considering different perspectives, a reading can still offer valuable insights.

  • The frequency of Tarot/Oracle readings depends on your needs and intentions. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but consider these guidelines:

    Intention: Determine why you're seeking a reading. For major life decisions, occasional readings are suitable. For personal growth, monthly or bi-monthly readings might work.

    Balance: Avoid becoming overly reliant on readings. Use them as tools for insight, not as constant guidance.

    Reflective Practice: Regular readings can promote self-awareness. Weekly or monthly readings can help you track progress and shifts in your life.

    Significant Events: Seek readings during important life changes or transitions for guidance and clarity.

    Intuition: Listen to your intuition. If you feel the need for guidance, seek a reading. If you sense you're becoming dependent, give yourself space.

    Budget and Time: Consider your budget and the time you have available. Balance readings with other forms of introspection.

    Remember, the goal is to use readings to empower yourself, gain insights, and make informed decisions. Adjust the frequency based on what feels right for your personal journey.

  • Tarot/Oracle readings offer insights into current energies and potential paths, but they don't have the power to change your future directly. Your actions, decisions, and circumstances play a significant role in shaping your life path. Readings provide guidance, but it's your choices that ultimately influence the direction you take. Use readings to gain understanding, make informed decisions, and navigate your journey, but remember that you are the primary agent of change in your life.

  • While the interpretations can seem subjective, experienced readers combine their intuition, knowledge of symbolism, and the context of your question to provide meaningful insights. The cards often mirror aspects of your life, allowing us to delve deeper into your thoughts, feelings, and potential paths.

  • The accuracy of Tarot/Oracle readings can vary widely. Factors influencing accuracy include the reader's skill, intuition, the quality of the deck, and the connection between the cards and the seeker's energy. While readings offer insights and guidance, they aren't infallible predictions. The interpretation's relevance to your situation depends on your receptivity, the reader's proficiency, and the open-ended nature of the symbolism. Approach readings with an open mind, using them as tools for reflection, not as absolute forecasts.

  • That's a valid concern. The goal of readings is to empower you, not create dependency. Readings are tools to gain insights and perspectives, but ultimately, the decisions you make are your own. They're meant to guide you, not replace your judgment.

  • No tool is infallible, and outcomes can vary. However, a reading can offer new perspectives and insights that might not be immediately apparent. Sometimes all you need is time to reflect and contemplate. If something doesn't resonate, we can explore different interpretations or angles to see if we can find a deeper meaning that speaks to you.

  • I respect your privacy. A skilled reader can conduct a reading without you having to divulge sensitive details. You can focus on your question or intention without going into specific personal matters.

  • Receiving a challenging message in a Tarot/Oracle reading can be unsettling, but it's an opportunity to consider strategies for growth and reflection:

    Perspective: Challenging messages highlight areas needing attention. Embrace them as opportunities for personal development.

    Empowerment: These messages don't predict doom. Use them to prepare, make proactive choices, and shape a positive outcome.

    Guidance: Seek guidance on how to overcome challenges. Focus on strategies, coping mechanisms, and potential lessons.

    Introspection: Explore your feelings about the message. Reflect on how it resonates with your current situation and consider steps to address it.

    Support: Discuss the reading with a trusted friend, mentor, or professional if needed. They can provide additional insights and perspectives.

    Positive Approach: Remember, readings emphasize awareness and choices. Your actions can influence the outcome and shift the energy.

    Ultimately, a challenging message is an opportunity to approach difficulties with greater wisdom and resilience. It's a chance to navigate obstacles and come out stronger on the other side.

  • Remember, Tarot/Oracle readings are not set-in-stone predictions. The cards reflect energies and possibilities in the present moment, but your actions and choices can shape your future. If challenging cards appear, they're an opportunity to explore potential areas of growth and strategies to overcome obstacles.